Ten Breaths and the Science of Meditation

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” ~ Lao Tzu. A perfect quote by an ancient Chinese philosopher that truly defines the benefits of meditation and specifically mindfulness. What is mindfulness? To quote Thich Nhat Hanh, another great master, “mindfulness is the energy that helps us recognize the conditions of happiness that are already present in our lives.” All of these quotes are beautiful and very inspirational, but how do you practice mindfulness and is there proof that mindfulness works?

For one moment close your eyes and take ten breaths, ten in and ten out.  Pay attention as you breathe in and out each time. That is one example of a mindfulness meditation. Simple and very effective. If you did the ten breaths, you should start feeling the science researched by neuroscientist Dr Sara Lazar of Harvard Medical School whose results proved they will change your brain.

Dr Sara Lazar injured herself training for the Boston marathon. Because of this she began yoga and immediately noticed she felt calmer, more patient, and had increased feelings of compassion. At this point she started looking into the science behind mindfulness meditation, and how it is suggested to help if not cure depression, anxiety, pain, and so much more. She took this curiosity to the next level and began an eight-week scientific study. In her discoveries she found people aged 50 who meditate had gray matter of those half their age. And people in general who meditate have more gray matter in the parts of their brains that links directly to their decision making and working memory. She also found that mindfulness increased moral compass, helped overcome trauma, increased compassion, and could reduce body pain. With that in mind you can enjoy the philosophy from 4th century BC masters knowing there is modern day science to back it up. Pretty darn cool.

We have many mindfulness meditations for your child to explore.  A few of our  favorites are “The Weather Inside You” in the ages 6 -15category, “Breath For Relaxing The Nerves” in the Healing Activities category, and “Yoga Nidra” in the Everyday meditations category.

We have included an article and a link below so you can learn more about Dr Sara Lazar’s scientific findings.



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