More Than Easy Listening

Sound Healing is now here on your  DreamyKid App!

Sound healing has been used to improve or heal stress, PTSD, learning disabilities, sleep, creativity, relaxation, and awareness to name a few. Additionally, it’s beautiful just as it is. We at DreamyKid invite you to practice our free meditation on “Friendship,” by Bill Meyer, and then listen to the healing sounds of nature, known to expand the heart space and invites feelings of unity and love.

Sound healing is one of the most ancient healing modalities, dating back to both ancient Egypt and Greece. Its premise being that matter vibrates at a specific frequency and sound impacts it. The astounding results of  Dr. Massaru Emoto’s, analysis of monks changing the particle structures of water they meditated over, proved this science in his 1994 study. Now imagine, sound frequencies created, designed, and tailored for specific healings (e.g., gratitude, love, and compassion), paired with meditation teachers not only have proven results, but have shown a potential to highly magnify those successes. We at DreamyKid are so excited to bring this awesome new category and invite you to meditate or simply listen to this healing music.

In addition, look out for new features launching in the coming weeks!

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