Over the past 12 months DreamyKid partnered with mindfulness meditation teacher Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald of My Peaceful Universe https://mypeacefuluniverse.org bringing forth some favorite meditations to the DK library including, “My Breath Is A Gift, The Weather Inside You and Waves of Emotion” to name a few. Isabelle’s meditations guide you deeply into the moment while […]

We know that saying nice things to others is effective in making someone else feel good and by doing so it can even help them accomplish their dreams. But, does saying nice things to ourselves have the same affect? Yes, it does. That is called an affirmation or positive self-talk — and there is proof […]

Sound Healing is now here on your DreamyKid App! Sound healing has been used to improve or heal stress, PTSD, learning disabilities, sleep, creativity, relaxation, and awareness to name a few. Additionally, it’s beautiful just as it is. We at DreamyKid invite you to practice our free meditation on “Friendship,” by Bill Meyer, and then […]

Dreamy Kid is very proud to introduce our newest team member, Bill Meyer, and the launch of his new meditations, “Friendship,” “Letting Go of Issues,” and “Letting Go of Sticky Thoughts.” We will also be rolling out five other beautiful meditations in the weeks to come. As a highly accredited educator, Bill’s dedication, passion for […]