
A Conversation With Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald of My Peaceful Universe

Over the past 12 months DreamyKid partnered with mindfulness meditation teacher Isabelle Mary Fitzgerald of My Peaceful Universe bringing forth some favorite meditations...

Thinking It So: Affirmations

We know that saying nice things to others is effective in making someone else feel good and by doing so it can even help them accomplish their dreams. But, does saying nice things to ourselves have th...

Ten Breaths and the Science of Meditation

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” ~ Lao Tzu. A perfect quote by an ancient Chinese ...

Lullabies For My Daughter

In awareness of the needs of these changing times and new demands on parents DreamyKid introduced the “Sound Healing” category last month. It was so well received that we decided to add lullabies to o...

More Than Easy Listening

Sound Healing is now here on your  DreamyKid App! Sound healing has been used to improve or heal stress, PTSD, learning disabilities, sleep, creativity, relaxation, and awareness to name a few. Additi...

Kids Meditation Author & Expert, Bill Meyer, Joins DreamyKid

Dreamy Kid is very proud to introduce our newest team member, Bill Meyer, and the launch of his new meditations, “Friendship,” “Letting Go of Issues,” and “Letting Go of Sticky Thoughts.” ...

How To Create A Remote Group Meditation Using Skype During The Coronavirus Pandemic

UPDATE! (MARCH 20, 2020) Because we know how difficult this has been for teachers, caregivers, parents and kids, we have decided to create a new category that is FREE for everyone called “Corona...

Can 8-Minute Meditation Give You a Quiet Mind and Change Your Life Forever?

What exactly is meditation? It seems that so many people nowadays are hooked up with this form of activity. By definition, meditation is often used to describe the individual’s state of intense ...

Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children’s Brains And Behavior

Source: This article originally appeared on regarding meditation on October 2016.     A piece on last month featured a Baltimore school that’s replaced the classic si...